

  1. Enable geolocation in your browser

    The app needs access to your current location to fetch the correct time zone information, sunrise and sunset times, moon phases, ascendant and projected planetary positions

  2. Search other towns and cities

    The auto-complete lookup uses a custom Web service to match strategic towns and cities around the world (over 40,000) with the correct time-zone location.

  3. Select a different time and date

    The date and time field opens a mobile-friendly date and time picker. Press the update button to fetch matching data.

    To show current results, press the reset button

  4. Convert between Unix and Julian days

    Many Web applications use Unix time, the number of seconds since the start of 1st January 1970, UTC. Unix timestamps are the same in all time zones. Negative values represent dates before 1970. With signed 64-bit integers, we will have no problems representing dates after 2038.

    Many astronomical applications use Julian days, i.e. the numbers since since 12 noon, 24th November 4713 BCE.